Forest Lake Manor

Location for Forest Lake Manor


South Africa


Western Cape

City / Town: 


Street Address: 

231 Forest Close, Langvlei Dunes, Wilderness, Western Cape 6560
Directions: From Wilderness town direction Port Elisabeth on the N2 proceed 8km.
Take the Langvlei Dunes turnoff to the left.
Proceed on gravel road till T junction(300m).
Turn right. Carry on through dip. At top of dip carry straight on (main road veers left) to gate in front of you.(600m)
On right sign with Forest Lake Manor. Turn right and follow drive way to main residence(200m).
Description for Forest Lake Manor
Forest lake Manor is nestled in the heart of the Garden Route between Wilderness and Sedgefield. Overlooking the Langvlei and Rondevlei lakes and Outeniqua mountains with distant sea views. Situated close to Wilderness in the forest on top of the Dune overlooking the 3 lakes and Outeniqua mountains. Distant sea views approx 2km . Property is on 1.5 hectare with a fenced in garden area and safe parking.
We offer self catering, bed and breakfast option and also 2 bedroom flat with all amenities and own garden area.
Info for Forest Lake Manor

Pet friendly for

Small Breeds, Medium Breeds, Large Breeds

Accommodation Type

Self Catering, Bed & Breakfast


Dogwalking, Bird Watching, Fishing, Whale watching, Hiking, Golf, Shopping, Quad-biking, Mountain Biking, Canoeing

Pet Accommodation Types

Sleep inside

Pet Bedding

Bring your own

Pet Bowls

Bring your own

Pet Food Supplied


Enclosed Garden Option


Weather Conditions

Winters are mild, summer varies between hot and warm

Nearest Vet Name

Heatherlands Animal Hospital in George

Vet Phone Number

044 873 2363 (1 Myrtle Street, George, South Africa)

Other Info for this area

Situated in the heart of the Garden Route with various tourist facilities in close proximity
Requirements for Forest Lake Manor
Pets must be kept on a leash when visiting us: No Pets must be treated for ticks and fleas before they get here: Yes

Name tags are important for all visitors: 


Rules for all our Best Friends visiting: 

Upon arrival, please keep your pets secured in your vehicle until we have established communication with you. All pet owners are responsible for their pet faeces and clean up afterwards. Poop scoops will be available at the office. During your stay with us, your pets are not to be left alone in the car or the room. Please inquire about our Pet Sitting Services . Please ensure your pets have sufficient food and water at all times. No pets are allowed to climb onto or sleep on any of the beds or furniture.
Cost for Forest Lake Manor (Subject to change)

Cost for human guests

R270.00 pppn sharing self catering. Breakfast available

Small Dogs Cost Per Day

R .free

Medium Dogs Cost Per Day

R .free

Large Dogs Cost Per Day

R .free
Contact for Forest Lake Manor
Phone: 044-8821129
Cell phone: 084-4013006
Contact Forest Lake Manor
Social for Forest Lake Manor

Accommodation near



Forest Lake Manor | Pet Health CareForest Lake Manor Pet Friendly Wildnerness


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