Beaverlac Resort

Location for Beaverlac Resort


South Africa


Western Cape

City / Town: 


Street Address: 

See Directions to the town of Porterville, which is the closest town to our Camp.
Directions: From Cape Town get onto the N7 to Malmesbury.

Turn right at the Piketberg circle to Porterville (R44)

Turn left at the T-junction (towards Eendekuil)

After 2.5km you are going to turn right onto the Dasklip/Cardow road.

From now on it is a dirt road for +/- 10 km.

Turn right onto the Dasklip pass itself for 6.5km.

At the top of the mountain, turn left. You will see the Grootfontein Farm, Beaverlac sign.

That dirt road is about 4km down to Beaverlac. Please drive slowly on that road. (Not suitable for conventional caravans and trailers, only high-clearance and 4x4 trailers/caravans will survive this dirt road.)
Description for Beaverlac Resort
This Pet Friendly venue is tucked high up in the Olifants River Mountains above Porterville in the Western Cape in South Africa, Beaverlac offers camping and cabins to maximise your enjoyment of nature. Situated in a secluded 5000 hectare valley surrounded by mountains, Beaverlac is blessed with two rivers, the Ratel (Honey Badger) and the Olifants.

Please Note:

No card facilities - cash only
Only off-road trailers and caravans can make it to our grounds.
Our shop sells wood, beer, wine, ice, bread, snacks and other basic items
Bring own braai-grid
No bedding provided at cottages
No music of any kind, including car radio, cell phones & drums
There are no electric points in the camping area
The gate closes at 9pm and opens at 7am
To secure your cottage booking, a 50% non refundable and non transferable deposit is payable within 7 days of your booking. Acccommodation can be taken up from 14:00 on day of arrival and must be vacated before 10:00 on the day of departure. No deposits or booking for camping.
Info for Beaverlac Resort

Pet friendly for

Small Breeds, Medium Breeds, Large Breeds, Cats, Caged Birds

Accommodation Type

Self Catering, Resort, Camping, Caravan Park, Cabin


Dogwalking, Bird Watching, Hiking, Trail Running, Swimming, Mountain Biking

Other Activities

No swimming pools, swimming takes place in the lovely Ratelrivier.

Pet Accommodation Types

Sleep inside

Pet Bedding

Bring your own

Pet Bowls

Bring your own

Pet Food Supplied


Enclosed Garden Option


Weather Conditions

Hot, dry Summers and cold wet Winters

Nearest Vet Name

Piketberg Diere Hospitaal

Vet Phone Number

Requirements for Beaverlac Resort
Pets must be kept on a leash when visiting us: No Pets must be treated for ticks and fleas before they get here: Yes

Name tags are important for all visitors: 


Rules for all our Best Friends visiting: 

Upon arrival, please keep your pets secured in your vehicle until our Manager has established communication with you. All pet owners are responsible for their pet faeces and clean up afterwards. Poop scoops will be available at the office. During your stay with us, your pets are not to be left alone in the car, your tent or the room. Please ensure your pets have sufficient food and water at all times. No pets are allowed to climb onto or sleep on any of the beds or furniture.
Cost for Beaverlac Resort (Subject to change)

Cost for human guests


Small Dogs Cost Per Day


Medium Dogs Cost Per Day


Large Dogs Cost Per Day


Cats Cost Per Day


Birds Cost Per Day

Contact for Beaverlac Resort
Phone: 0229312945
Contact Beaverlac Resort
Social for Beaverlac Resort

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