Hill's Pay-for-a-Spay challenge

Hill’s Pet Nutrition South Africa is calling on animal lovers to give a gift that will keep on giving this festive season, by taking on the Pay-for-a-Spay challenge. In a move away from possibly over-pampering your pets, consider sponsoring a spay in their honour, and help prevent an over-population of unwanted pets.

How Much Is Hill's Donating?

To highlight the crucial need to expand sterilisation programmes, Hill’s is sponsoring the operations of over 400 animals, giving a total of R125,000 to four organisations around the country – Animal Allies, Pug Rescue, Sidewalk Specials and TEARS Animal Rescue.

How many offspring can be produced in just 2 years?

In South Africa hundreds of thousands of unplanned, and often unwanted, kittens and puppies are born each year. The cost of sterilising a pet can be out of reach for many pet parents and others may be unaware of the staggering numbers of young that unneutered animals can produce.

It’s estimated that in just six years, two cats and their offspring can produce over 370 000 kittens.
Similarly, over 7 years two dogs can multiply to over 67 000!

What is the most effective way to control the growing number of unwanted animals?

There’s no doubt that spaying and neutering has a considerable and long-lasting impact on animal welfare,” said Carolyn Herrick, General Manager of Hill’s Pet Nutrition. “As part of our continued support for shelters and in addition to the tonnes of food we give each year, we want to help make a long-term difference. Sterilisation is possibly one of the most effective and affordable tools in preventing animal abuse and neglect.”


One of the beneficiaries of the Pay-for-a-Spay campaign is TEARS Animal Rescue in Sunnydale, Cape Town. “We see a lot of suffering and despair that could have been prevented if more pets were sterilised,” said TEARS Co-Founder and Director Marilyn Hoole. “Last year we sterilised 2, 034 dogs and cats at no charge, but in these tough financial times it has become impossible for us to continue offering this free service. We are extremely grateful that Hill’s has stepped in, and is challenging other businesses and individuals to also contribute."

How much is needed to Sterilise One Animal?

“The massive needs associated with animal welfare can be overwhelming, but sponsoring a sterilisation for R350 is a simple way to make an immediate impact. Puppies and kittens are cute, but to neuter is cuter! So please get into the spirit of the festive season with a gift that really matters.”

How can I get involved to help wards the growing number of unwanted animals?

To get involved in the #HillsPay4ASpay challenge visit http://bit.ly/payforaspay for more information and to donate towards TEARS sterilisation drive. Or contact one of the selected shelters direct, to see how best you can support their efforts.

Beneficiaries - #HillsPay4ASpay Challenge:

TEARS Animal Rescue (Cape Town


Sidewalk Specials (Cape Town)


Animal Allies (Gauteng)


Pug Rescue (National)


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