South African Animal Hero's set up Fake Website to help save the Whales

South Africans are known to be passionate individuals, but there is no stopping us when it comes to showing compassion and caring for our fellow beings.  Yes there are a few people who can be excluded from this list, but we are not going to talk about them today.

This story is about the ongoing gruesome atrocities of animal torture and murdering of whales and other cetaceans in the Faroe Islands, and it has hit social media sites by storm.  One of the very few if not only reasons we know about these events, is because of the undeniable heroic adventures of a volunteer group called The Sea Shepherds, headed up by Captain Paul Watson.  This organisation is one of the very few that lives the talk, and walks the walk of true animal activism and compassion.  Yes there are other great organisations like the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace, who most of us love to support too.  Sadly they support hunting as a sport and seal clubbing as a viable means to maintain eco systems.  Well, we all know 'the bottom line' on those arguments now dont we?  

Whilst most of the people (the Faroese) on the Faroe Islands are mainly living off the income from Tourism, they are trying their best to hide their dark dirty truths.

When you do an online search for Faroe Islands, you will most probably find their lovely website to help promote their tourism, by enticing you to come and spend your holidays with them in the North Atlantic.

One passionate South African from Port Elizabeth, known as Mr Pilot Whale has made it his mission to take a stand against these gross acts of animal cruelty.  He created a website that has a very similar name, but tells the hard truth that most Faroese people would prefer the public to not know about.

Whilst we at Pet Health Care do not see this relevant to pet health, we would like to give Save The Whales a shout out for their unsung efforts to make it known to the world what really goes on on the idyllic Faroe Islands.  Much of this information is not known to many people, and Save The Whales have achieved a great way to help spread the word and try to help these poor creatures from the fate of such a horrible death.

To add insult to injury, the Faroese Tourism have lodged a formal complaint against this South African hero "Save The Whales", to the World Intellectual Property Organisation, to claim their rights to the domain name and have it shut down.  On March 8, 2016, The WIPO have concluded that Save The Whales was indeed making a legitimate non-commercial use of the domain name. Faroe Island Tourism will have to try a different approach if it wants to get the site removed.

Showing solidarity and support to Save The Whales:

We thought by adding FaroeTourism office's details to this story, it will help search engines to find this news when potential visitors search for their information, so here goes:

Faroe Island Tourist Information Offices

There are several tourist information offices located around the Faroe Islands. The offices are ready with their friendly staff to give you advice and assistance to ensure that your stay in the Faroe Islands is as pleasant and rewarding as possible. The tourist information offices have a selection of brochures and other informative material, most of it free of charge, and furthermore they are ready to assist you in booking your adventurous excursion in the Faroe Islands. Find a list of the local tourist information offices in this section.




Kunningarstovan í Runavík, 
Heiðavegur, FO-620 Runavík, Phone +298 517060


Kunningarstovan í Fuglafirði
á Bug, P.O. Box 100, FO-530 Fuglafjørður, Phone +298 538015




Norðoya Kunningarstova
Biskupsstøðgøta 9, P.O. Boks 269, FO-700 Klaksvík, Phone +298 556939




Sandoyar Kunningarstova
FO-210 Sandur, Phone +298 561836




Visit Torshavn
Vaglið, P.O. Box 379, FO-110 Tórshavn , Phone +298 502425


Nólsoyar Kunningarstova
FO-270 Nólsoy, Phone +298 527060


Vestmanna Tourist Centre
FO-350 Vestmanna, Phone +298 571500, 


Kunningarstovan á Tvøroyri
Tvørávegur 37, FO-800 Tvøroyri, Phone +298 511080


Suðuroyar Kunningarstova
Vágsvegur 57, FO-900 Vágur, Phone +298 539390  




Kunningarskivan á Flogvøllinum, 
Vagar Airport, FO-380 Sørvágur, Phone +298 533455  


We hope that by publishing this news, that this information will be shared by everyone who are in support of Save The Whales and to help expose the gross atrocities of the Faroese people. Thank you.

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