MLS Laser Therapy for animals

Location for MLS Laser Therapy for animals
Country: South Africa
Province: KwaZulu-Natal
City / Town: Durban
Street Address: 47 Ashley Avenue, Glenashley, Durban North
Directions: Off Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Next to the Fish Plaice
Info for MLS Laser Therapy for animals
Service Type Alternative Healing for Pets
Brief description of service Laser therapy uses light to favour and accelerate the body’s natural healing process. Helps the animals to reduce pain, inflammation and oedema.

The laser beam is moved over the skin so that the light energy (photons) penetrates the tissue where it interacts with photochemical, photothermal and photomechanical effect.
The innovative and patent Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Therapy Laser was developed in an effort to produce an efficient and simultaneous effect on pain, inflammation and oedema.

Exceeding the limits of traditional LLLT (low-level light therapy) and concerns of HP (high power) laser therapy, MLS technology delivers both therapeutic wavelengths, 808nm (anti-oedemic and anti-inflammatory) and 905nm (analgesic). An energetic synergy is created when delivering these wavelengths that produces greater anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects than either can produce on its own while minimizing the risk of thermal damage. It is this unique combination and synchronization of continuous and pulsed emissions that characterizes MLS and distinguishes it from other lasers. This unique feature provides more accurate therapeutic dose delivery, which means consistent and repeatable results with high levels of efficiency, safety and consistency.

MLS Laser Therapy can help relieve pain and improve the quality of life for both the animal and its owner.

Benefits of MLS

• Improved vascular activity
• Increases metabolic activity
• Trigger points and acupuncture points
• Reduced fibrous tissues formation
• Improved nerve function
• Immunoregulation
• Faster wound healing
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats
We also cater for rabbits
Cost for MLS Laser Therapy for animals - Subject to Change
Dependent on condition
Contact for MLS Laser Therapy for animals
Phone: 0329448513
Cell phone: 0734114788
Contact MLS Laser Therapy for animals
Social for MLS Laser Therapy for animals

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