Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare

Location for Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Johannesburg
Street Address: 76/1 Maple road Kyalami
Info for Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare
Service Type Pet Day-Care Service
Brief description of service We are a doggy daycare in Kyalami that accommodates social dogs and gives them an opportunity to socialise off lead with other social dogs in a safe environment. Owned and run by a qualified COAPE behaviourist with a passion for dogs.

The way our facility works is, all dogs are required to come for a once off assessment day before being accepted. This can be any day that suits you, Monday to Friday, where we make sure your dog us suitable for daycare and that daycare suits your dog (not all dogs enjoy daycare, some find it too stimulating and overwhelming; equally aggressive or unsocialised dogs are not suitable for daycare and pose a risk to the other dogs and our handlers). We also address behaviour training problems you may have and include deworming.

Inquire for more details.
Our Services cater for Dogs
Cost for Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare - Subject to Change
Pleas inquire
Contact for Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare
Phone: 0725953782
Cell phone: 0725953782
Contact Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare
Social for Furry Kidz Doggy Daycare

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