PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton

Location for PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Cape Town
Street Address: 9 Marigold St
Info for PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton
Service Type Pet Day-Care Service
Brief description of service PawFect Daycare caters for small breed dogs in a loving home environment. We are open Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm.
Our Services cater for Dogs
Cost for PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton - Subject to Change
I sell 4, 10, 15 & 20 day passes. Please refer to the website for a detailed breakdown of pricing.
Contact for PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton
Phone: 0215515746
Cell phone: 0824280523
Contact PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton
Social for PawFect Daycare weekday doggy creche for small breed dogs in Milnerton

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