The Durban Dog Hotel

Location for The Durban Dog Hotel
Country: South Africa
Province: KwaZulu-Natal
City / Town: Durban
Info for The Durban Dog Hotel
Service Type Pet Kennelling Facility
Brief description of service The home away from home for the fur kids! NO CAGE accommodation, the fur kids sleep on the hotel sofas or in our bed, beach walks, daily park walks; behavioural modification; doggie day care. Your pooch has a need... we are here to meet it in a healthy balanced way.

Our Services cater for Dogs
Cost for The Durban Dog Hotel - Subject to Change
Low season hotel accommodation: R 150.00 per dog per day all inclusive.

Doggie day care: from R 70.00 per day to R 160.00 per day.

Behavioral assessment/home visit: R 150 per hour
Contact for The Durban Dog Hotel
Phone: 0769442546
Cell phone: 0769442546
Contact The Durban Dog Hotel
Social for The Durban Dog Hotel

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