Location for Pet Sitters Cape Town - Certified Country: South Africa Province: Western Cape City / Town: Cape Town Street Address: All major suburbs in Cape Town Serviced Directions: We provide FREE onsite interviews at your home. Convenient, quick, and professional. Call us or visit our website for exact location of our local pet sitters. Info for Pet Sitters Cape Town - Certified Service Type Pet Sitting / Walking Service Brief description of service At Pet Sitters Cape Town we tailor our services to your specific requirements. We provide certified on-site pet care for all your pets. No packing, no vacinationd and no hassels. From R 89.00 pet day, you can outsouce you pet care to our professionals. Over 12 000 successful pet care assignments. Email or call us for a no obligstion, FREE interview. "We will be there, because we care". Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Birds We also cater for snakes, spiders, rabbits and other rodents.We include in our service fee, your post, plants, pool, perimeter checks and the poop. Cost for Pet Sitters Cape Town - Certified - Subject to Change From R 89.00 per day. Includes all pets, plants post, perimeters, pool and poop. Sleep in services from R 190.00 (7pm-7am). Contact for Pet Sitters Cape Town - Certified Phone: 0832734477 Cell phone: 0832734477 Website: http://www.petsitterscapetown.co.za Contact Pet Sitters Cape Town - Certified Social for Pet Sitters Cape Town - Certified