10 Ideas to Celebrate National Dog Day

National Dog Day celebrates all breeds, pure and mixed and serves to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year, either from public shelters, rescues and pure breed rescues.

National Dog Day, 10 fun things to do, dog spoiling,

National Dog Day is celebrated on 26 August every year and honors family dogs and dogs that work selflessly to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort.

Dogs put their lives on the line every day - for their law enforcement partner, for their blind companion, for the disabled, for our freedom and safety by detecting bombs and drugs and pulling victims of tragedy from wreckage.

While most of us dedicate every day to our dogs, there is an official National Dog day too.

10 Ideas to help you enjoy and celebrate National Dog Day:

  1. Adopt a Dog at your local shelter or breed-specific rescue, or donate toys, products, and food to them.
  2. Do a Pet Safety Check around the home.
  3. Organise a peaceful protest outside a pet shop near you to urge them to stop selling pets.
  4. Take a special photo of you and your dog, and share it in this post.
  5. Assist an ill person or elderly person by taking their dog for a walk.
  6. Ask someone to paint a portrait of your dog.
  7. Buy your dog a fun new toy, collar or treat.
  8. Take your dog to their favourite spot for some outdoor fun.
  9. Give your dog a nice grooming brush, massage or bath.
  10. Teach your dog a fun new trick.

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