6 Most Common Mistakes When Feeding Cats

We all want whats best for our furry feline friends and this is why we do our best to keep them healthy.  It is however unfortunate that many kitty owners do not always understand what they do - and the consequences thereof - when they deviate from commercial tin food.  Below is a list of the 6 most common mistakes kitty owners make:

1. Feeding your kitty only dry food?

The important factor here is that cats do not drink enough water.  Their natural diet usually provides them with enough water to sustain a healthy gut.  Cats produce concentrated urine. By giving them only dry food you are setting them up for urinary tract problems.

Make sure you give your cat canned food to keep their bladder well-hydrated and healthy.


2. Garlic

Garlic is a no-no for kitties.  The myth that many people believe is that garlic will free your kitty from worms and flees.  There is no proof that this has ever worked.  Besides that, a large dose of garlic can destroy your cat’s red blood cells.

Do not try to self medicate your kitty from worms.  It’s best to speak to your veterinarian, who will give him the medication that is specific to the type of worm infestation that he has.


3. Trying to feed your kitty vegan or vegetarian diet.

Oh dear, this is such a bad mistake many pet owners make.  Cats are obligate carnivores.  This means that they must eat meat and organs to be and stay healthy.  Trying to make your kitty a vegan will result in them having heart problems, blindness and sometimes even death.



4. Is Homemade food always Healthy?

If you are a nutritionist and have studied veterinary science, then there is a fair chance that you can provide a healthy meal for your kitty.  Otherwise, this is often a common mistake most cat owners make by feeding their kitties homemade meals.

Cats need foods rich in calcium, but too much tuna or liver oil can lead to vitamin A toxicosis resulting in joint pain, sore bones and dry skin.  Too much fish can destroy vitamin B1 causing muscle weakness or even brain damage.

So unless your kitty is on a naturally self caught wild diet from the back yard of your farm, its best to consult with your veterinarian on which diet is best for them should you be thinking to deviate.

5. Feeding your cat too much?

Obesity is the most common nutritional disease seen in cats.

Your cat will be exposed to:

  • diabetes,
  • arthritis,
  • urinary tract disease.

What is the recommended amount one should feed your cat?

  • about 200 kilojoules per 0.500grams of kitty weight.

6. Too little water

Is your kitty a fussy water drinker?  This could be because of their great sense of taste and smell.   Cats can taste the chlorine in the water and this is why it’s always good to give them filtered water as much as you can.

If their water is standing in a dirty water bowl, they most often do not want to drink from it. It is recommended that you clean the bowl out regularly. 

 Have you noticed how your kitty loves drinking fresh water from the tap?  A kitty water fountain could be your answer here.

Place a few bowls around the house where your kitty likes to hang out.

Have you tried to crush a few leaves of catnip in his water?  They just love the taste of catnip in their water.


It’s always best to speak to your vet about your kitty and his health.  Stay clear from myths on how to keep your kitty healthy and go with the pros!

Source: WebMD

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