One Stop Microchip Search Engine

Chip n Doodle is a community project that provides a Universal Microchip Search feature to access the databases of all the microchipping suppliers in South Africa.


No more sifting through databases and websites to find a pet's owner.  Now you can find a pet owner in one location.

Chip-n-Doodle says that their service is provided as is and only accessing public information from these providers with the goal to help people find and get their pets home.

No affiliation with any of the listed brands, just a community project. If the search fails, they point you to check directly at the providers' website.

Get Me Known Microchip Search                  Mommunipet Microchip Search

Five Star ID Microchip Search                  Identipet Microchip Search

KUSA ID search                  Backhome Microchip Search



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One Stop Microchip Search Engine | Pet Health Care


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