Summer is the most prevelent time for fleas to invade your home and of course - your pets, but ticks have a tendency to be around throughout the year. Many animals have died from infestations of these nasty bugs, and it is up to us to ensure our pets are kept safe from their harm.
Having said this, today's story is to warn pet owners about the dangers of Tick and Flea medications, and steps to take to avoid harming your pets - like many before us have done without realising it.
Steps to follow to avoid pet intoxication:
1. Never use dog products on cats and or cat products on dogs.
2. Old, sick, pregnant or lactating animals should only be treated under supervision of your vet.
3. Do not break the medication up into smaller parts to share between smaller pets.
4. Always follow your vets instructions.
Symptoms to look out for intoxication by flea/tick treatments may include:
- Skin irritations.
- Shivering, shaking or tremours
- Vomiting, foaming at the mouth or salivating.
- Dilated Pupils
This video story by UrgentVet, Inc is about a cat who got poisoned accidentally by its owner by giving it a tiny drop of dog TICK & FLEA medication on the neck. The cat is lucky to be alive.
Caution for Cat Lovers Cat is Intoxicated from Pet Health Care on Vimeo.
Which Toxins are in these Tick and Flea Products and what harm can they cause for our pets?
- Fipronil - remains in a pet’s system with the potential for nervous system and thyroid toxicity.
Can result in thyroid cancer and altered thyroid hormones, liver and kidney toxicity, reduced fertility and convulsions as has been proven that it does enter the body and the organ systems, as apposed to it 'just remaining ontop of the bodily oils'. - Imidacloprid and pyrethroids (the synthetic counterpart) - has been found to increase cholesterol levels in dogs, cause thyroid lesions, create liver toxicity, and has the potential for damaging the liver, heart, lungs, spleen, adrenals, brain, and gonads. As a neurotoxin, it can cause incoordination along with labored breathing and muscle weakness. Researchers found an increase in the frequency of birth defects when it was tested on rats, mice and dogs.
- Pyrethroids (active ingredients Permethrin and/or Pyriproxyfen) - brain damage, heart attacks and seizures.
Safe alternatives are clearly needed for flea and tick control. Medical problems that have become common in our dogs and cats could potentially be linked to these previously “believed to be innocuous” spot-on products. - Source: Holistic Care / By Deva Khalsa VMD
How can you prevent your pet from getting tick and flea infestations?
The best way to protect your pets is to keep them healthy. Parasites do not like to live on a healthy host. Feed them good pet food, filled with all the fruits and vegetables that their bodies require. There are many good wholesome pet food products on the market today.
The two most important things to remember when considering a preventative medication or cure for Ticks and Fleas are:
1. Consult your vet. Ask them what products they would recommend for your type and size of your pet.
2. Please do not ever self-medicate your pets, because you might place your pet in a life threatening situation like the kitty we just saw in the video above.
Thank you for reading this article and we hope that you will now make a more educated decision the next time you wish to wash (or treat) your dog or cat with Tick and Flea control products.