For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour

Location for For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Bellville
Street Address: 22 Stellenberg Street, Old Oak, Bellville
Directions: From N1 Old Oak Road, Bellville turn left into Frans Conradie. The second traffic light to your right, is Stellenberg Street.
From N1 Brackenfell Blvd, turn right onto Frans Conradie, drive past under the R300 bridge and at the first traffic light after the bridge to your left into Stellenberg Street.
Past two Stop streets, is a small Supermarket on your left with For Pets Sake in the center of the little shopping complex.
Info for For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour
Service Type Animal Grooming Service
Brief description of service We offer professional yet loving care to any breed (and cats) in a relaxed environment. Our facilities are hygienic, clean and our galvanized cages and grooming tools are disinfected and cleansed with F10 cleaner, recommended by Vets, after use each and every time.

We stock a variety of clothing for dogs including a selection of Rugby Themed jerseys, beautiful printed polar fleece jerseys and fancy dress-up wear for the more sophisticated pups. The products we use in the salon is also available for sale in the shop area and we stock Doggobone Active Raw Food and treats for dogs & cats.

We strive to not only have happy pet-parents, but also to have happy clients returning with a wagging tail for their next pamper-session. We are patient with newbies, give lots of care to the scared and even give a break to the elder ones not able to stand upright for the entire period.

We do recommend to make one-on-one appointments for very scared, previously mistreated or temperamental animals in order to build a bond of trust between the animal and its groomer and we advise for "parents" not to be directly present during this process as an animals concentration on not being hurt or mistreated at the new place/person is extremely important. We have a sliding door from where everything can be watched without the dog hearing or being aware of its owners presence.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats
Cost for For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour - Subject to Change
Our prices for grooming vary depending on the service required, the condition of the coat and temperament of the animal. From R20
Other Items on offer:
Doggobone Active Raw Dog Food from R12 per 500g roll
Polar fleece jerseys and Rugby Themed jerseys from R60.00

Contact for For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour
Phone: 021 824 5075
Cell phone: 079 411 6947
Contact For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour
Social for For Pets Sake Grooming Parlour

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