Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel

Location for Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Somerset West
Street Address: 18 Almeida St, Van Der Stel, Somerset West
Info for Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel
Service Type Pet Kennelling Facility
Brief description of service Luxury overnight accommodation for your dog. Large secure gardens to walk in. 24 hour secure environment with 24 hour pet care. Dog grooming parlour on premises also. Since 1996. Accommodation also available for birds, hamsters.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Birds
Cost for Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel - Subject to Change
R180 per night small breed
R190 per night medium breed
R200 per night large breed
Contact for Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel
Phone: 0218525050
Cell phone: 0722354906
Contact Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel
Social for Bed and Biscuit Pet Hotel

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