Pet and house sitting

Location for Pet and house sitting
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Kempton Park
Directions: Call for more information
Info for Pet and house sitting
Service Type Pet Sitting / Walking Service
Brief description of service AB Petsitting Services will come to your home to look after your pets while you are away.

We have pet sitters all over Gauteng, but can pet sit in area. All of our Petsitters have been screened and approved. Trusted and premium sitters are comfortable and able to give medication, whether oral or via injection.

Our services include:
Dog walking
Trips to doggy parlour/vet
Daily Visit
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Horses, Donkeys
We also cater for We care for any type of animal
Cost for Pet and house sitting - Subject to Change

New Sitter
Sitters that have undergone the selection process for the data base, but have not as yet, worked enough jobs to be fully endorsed. These sitters are only offered houses where clients are happy to have a “New Sitter” at a discounted rate. These sitters earn less to encourage clients to give them a chance so they can also get the experience needed.

Regular Sitter
Sitters who have more experience than “New Sitters” and who have proven to be trustworthy and reliable. These sitters earn more than “New Sitters”

Trusted Sitters
Sitters who have been personally recommended by me and have good experience with animal and house sitting. “Trusted Sitters” get paid a higher rate.

Premium Sitters
Sitters who have vast experience in sitting with dogs that need medication, or with difficult pets. “Premium Sitters” get paid the highest rate.
Contact for Pet and house sitting
Phone: 0748528199
Cell phone: 0842712298
Contact Pet and house sitting
Social for Pet and house sitting

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