Dog does a Drug Bust worth R50m!

On Sunday 6 March 2016, according to the Facebook page of Police Pics and Clips, the K9 Unit of Witrivier did one of their biggest drug busts to date.

"Now This Is Absolutely Awesome!

Today a member of Witrivier K9 unit and his dog Milo made a bust many policemen can only dream off!

A suspicious Prado was pulled off at the Nkomazi Toll gate on the N4 and checked. Milo, who is a narcotics detection dog reacted positively to one of the Prado's fueltanks. (Prado's have two.)

After taking the tank off and doing a inspection, pure Afghani Heroin to the value of approximately R50 000 000 (50 million) was found. The heroin was still packed in Afghani bags. The driver was arrested.

Milo and his handler has so far this year been responsible for the recovery of nearly R100 million worth of drugs. Im sure that is making a dent in some cake's pocket."

And how does the handler reward his faithfull dog? By giving him a huge piece of biltong to chew on. Awesome! 

Well done to Milo and his handler as well as all the other people involved in this bust, your hardwork is noticed and appreciated."


From everyone at PetHealthCare,

"Give that dog a bone... or some biltong in our language!"

well done Milo, we are very proud of you.


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