Dancers Love Dogs 2016 Invite You To The Artscape Theatre

This past year has been such an incredible year assisting animals in true "outreach area's".  We have gone as far as Leeu Gamka in the Karoo, where Doc Annelize Roos sterilised over 300 animals in 3 days.  It has been so uplifting and so life changing.

"...We must continue with our wonderful work."

It is with huge pride we now present our annual DANCERS LOVE DOGS production at the

Artscape Opera House on 6 September 2016, at 7.30 PM.

It is difficult to believe that in the past 5 years we have raised over R 1 300 000.00 and sterilisations are now well over 7500. This small dream of making a small difference in the lives of animals in townships, has certainly become a huge reality. And we can only thank all the people that support our show, offer beautiful dance items, sponsors and mostly my team who give tirelessly of their free time to make this event a success.  

This year we are really wanting to make our show an enormous success – following the Spectacular production of 2015. First we need to fill every single seat and what I really want more than anything is share and create more awareness and social media support.  If you have any ways of introducing us to larger corporates / funder's/ sponsors  – we are always open to learn and listen.

People often ask me - "How can help?" 

This is our wish list, and if you could assist with any of the following - this would be PAWsome.  

  1. Purchase a ticket for you and friends - Booking is open at Computicket.
  2. If you are unable to attend, would you consider sponsoring an Animal Welfare worker to attend as your guest?
  3. Did you know We are on my Woolworths my Planet/My school and you could make us your beneficiary? Every time you shop at Woolworths, a percentage comes to us, to assist with more sterilisations.
  4. Please like our Face Book Page and follow all the work we do throughout the year. You can also follow us on Instagram: dancerlovedogs
  5. Do you or a Friend have a magical product that you would like to donate to our raffle? We are always looking for fabulous prizes and we would be so grateful.
  6. We are open to suggestions and advice and would love to hear from you.

Please encourage all your friends to purchase tickets.  Remember one Seat = One sterilisation.  We only pay the Vets directly for the sterilisations, so that we know 100% of funding goes directly to the animals.  That's what counts!

Sending you huge love and gratitude

Founder Dancers Dogs
NPO number 117-329


Instagram: dancerslovedogs
Twitter: @DancersLoveDogs

Standard Bank Claremont
Account Number: 30 063 8140
Branch code: 025109

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Dancers Love Dogs 2016 Invite You To The Artscape Theatre | Pet Health CareDancers Love Dogs 2016 Invite You To The Artscape Theatre


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