Keeping our homes safe for our loved ones is very important. Herewith a checklist that can help you to ensure a safer environment for you and your new furry family member:
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GENERAL HOME Pet-proof gates.
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KITCHEN Secure your cabinets. |
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LAUNDRY ROOM Block off small spaces behind |
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BATHROOM Keep the toilet lid closed with a toilet lock. |
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LIVING ROOM Hide wiring and cover sockets. |
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BEDROOM Keep hair products out of reach. |
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Fence quality. |
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First-time pet ownership can be daunting, and for this reason, we are sharing with you some of the most important factors to take into consideration when you add a furry friend to your family:
- Eliminate any possible concerns your new pet might have.
- Get your must-have Vaccinations for rabies, parvo, etc.
- De-worming is especially important for a good healthy start in life.
- Sterilisation is the next most important thing to do.
Grooming and Medication:
Grooming – If your pet has long hair, start looking for a reputable groomer near you.
Tick and Flea Protection. Speak to your vet and the groomer about protecting your pets from ticks and fleas. Always get references for groomers and veterinarian services near you.
It’s a pretty common and inexpensive procedure. Be sure to keep this information safe in your pet's file at home. Remember to update your details every year at the microchip company regarding changes in your contact details.
Pet Insurance:
The cost of veterinary care goes up every year, and you will be shocked when you finally get to see the bill. For this, we highly recommend pet insurance as soon as possible. Visit today.
Register your Pet:
In many areas, especially complexes and enclosed communities, it is necessary to get your dog or cat licensed or registered — the cost for not having permission can be pretty severe, such as you have to move or get rid of the animal.
Teach your pet how to walk on a leash, pet-recall and other socially acceptable behaviours, which will make your life together more fun.
Get age-appropriate food. Human food is not safe for pets – they can be toxic to pets including chocolate, grapes, onions, avocados, raisins, macadamia nuts, garlic and coffee. Avoid dry dog and cat food as much as possible.
Animal Emergency contacts:
If you are incapacitated, or your animal gets hurt, someone needs to be ready to take care of you and or your pets.
We wish you well in this journey of having a new family member, it is not always easy or fun, but the benefits always outweigh the negatives.
First Time Pet Ownership Guide