Forever Living Products Aloe Vera

Location for Forever Living Products Aloe Vera
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Rondebosch
Street Address: 64 Prieska Rd Sybrand Park Rondebosch
Info for Forever Living Products Aloe Vera
Service Type Alternative Healing for Pets
Brief description of service Aloe Vera products that improve pet health and recovery from skin problems. Forever Living Products (FLP) led the way in the rediscovery of the health benefits of aloe vera. Neither the products nor their ingredients have been tested on animals and many products can be used on animals. Aloe vera contains 200 active compounds, and 75 nutrients. It has been used as an aid to health for centuries.

The products are not listed medicines, neither for humans nor animals and it is not promoted as such. They are meant to be used in conjunction with medication, not instead of it. The topical products are specifically used for skin ailments and are recommended for reducing the sensitivity of their skin and the oral products are generally used but is not limited to improve digestion.

Dr David Urch, a UK vet, has written a book about the use of aloe vera in veterinary practise. It is called Aloe Vera, Natures Gift. He explains in detail the properties of aloe vera and how it can be used on animals. He includes many before and after photographs. An interesting historical note is that when he started researching the use of aloe vera on animals he realised that the plant is depicted at the top of the veterinary crest in the hand of the cenotaph.

Aloe Veras outstanding health properties have been known for a long time!
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Horses, Donkeys
Cost for Forever Living Products Aloe Vera - Subject to Change
Each product is individually priced.
Contact for Forever Living Products Aloe Vera
Phone: 021-6965857
Cell phone: 0845129191
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