Rima's Hempathy Health

Location for Rima's Hempathy Health
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Cape Town
Street Address: Derry street
Info for Rima's Hempathy Health
Service Type Alternative Healing for Pets
Brief description of service Rima's Hempathy Health Club sells CBD infused products for all animals, specifically cats, dogs and farm animals. Incredible treatments for Eczeme, Psoriasis, Arthritis, general all over pain treatment, bites, cuts, scrapes and even emotional issues and trauma.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Horses, Donkeys
Cost for Rima's Hempathy Health - Subject to Change
Various items with various prices ranging from R200 to R700
Contact for Rima's Hempathy Health
Cell phone: 0837406543
Contact Rima's Hempathy Health
Social for Rima's Hempathy Health

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