Dog visibility vests

Location for Dog visibility vests
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Swellendam
Street Address: 29 Berg Street Swellendam
Directions: Can ship orders to any location
Info for Dog visibility vests
Service Type Pet Clothing & Accessories Supplier
Brief description of service Dogs4u2c is a unique dog vest that is highly visible during the day and glows in the dark.
Our passion is to make people and motorists aware of dogs. Our dog vests are best suitable when out walking your dogs. The reflector band on the outline of the vest and around the neck and ribcage of the dog, glows when a little bit of light shines on it. The dog vest fastens with velcro strips holding the vest in place around the dogs neck and rib cage. Easily to fasten and to be removed.
~ Highly recommended for dogs running loose in a forest or on a beach.
~ Recommended for Dog Training Clubs - club emblem can be embroider on Dogs4u2c vests.
~ The band around the neck that is separate can also be used to make horses and cows visible.

"Proudly South African - Made in the Cape - Supports the Cape Society for the Blind / Supports Animal Welfare"
Our Services cater for Dogs
Cost for Dog visibility vests - Subject to Change
Price on request
Contact for Dog visibility vests
Cell phone: 0721914523
Contact Dog visibility vests
Social for Dog visibility vests

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