Finding a vet in your area is most likely not that difficult, but finding the best vet to take care of your pets could prove to be more of a challenge. Here’s how to find a vet that is up to par:
The key here is to find a good vet before you are going to need one. This includes when you are about to go away for the weekend or on holiday.
But what sets a good vet apart from the rest?
Find out what the vet is accredited for and research what is the accreditation after the name. You will want to look out for (BVSc) Bachelor of Veterinary Science. Make also sure you understand their educational background and any further studies that they might have accreditation for.
Its always best to have the nearest vet for practical reasons, but sometimes the nearest vet should only be if you really cannot get to your preferred vet in time.
Once you have narrowed down the vets, ask other people for references.
Animal Shelters:
You can also ask the local shelters who they would recommend.
Make sure the vet has knowledge about your type of pets.
How does the vet interact with you and your pet? Are you comfortable with their communication and handling of your pets?
Operating hours:
Will these hours suite you?
Emergency 24 Hour Vet:
Keep the name and phone number of a vet that operates 24/7. This is critical for after hour emergencies and back up plan. And we know most emergencies happen after hours!
What is a standard consultation and get an idea of the cost of their other treatments that cover routine care e.g.: deworming, spay and neutering, vaccinations, dental hygiene etc
Can you get in touch with this vet after hours if need be?
Alternative medicine:
What is the vet’s opinion of alternative medications?
Your pet’s choice:
The best ‘person’ to choose the vet is your pet. Make sure your pet is happy with their doctor just like you would want to be with your doctor.
Your chosen vet works very hard and its important to be nice to them. They are there to help you and your pets and maintaining a good relationship will make your visits just that much more pleasurable.
If you are happy, speak to family and friends about your vet. Nothing will make your vet so happy as to get a referral from you.
Find our growing list of Veterinarians in South Africa here