Dog Friendly beaches in Cape Town

Pet friendly beaches in Cape Town

Where can one go with your dog in and around Cape Town beaches?

The answer is not that simple, as many communities have their own unique needs.  The local by-laws now give a fair guide to what one can and can not do when it comes to walking or running with your dog in public areas.

City of Cape Town Community Services and Health spokesman says, “Dogs are allowed at designated beaches. The relevant by-law makes provision for free running, on-the-leash and time limitation (when dogs are allowed during certain times) on beaches.

Different beaches have different designations.

The factors that the City of Cape Town takes into consideration when allocating these dog zones include;

–        The size of the beach;

–        The environmentally sensitive nature of that specific beach;

–        The recreational use of the space;

–        The proximity to neighboring ‘free-running’ dog areas or where dogs are allowed on a lead.

The following reasons explain the City’s exclusion of dogs and domestic animals from certain sections of the coast:

–        The hygiene risk (because of the bacteria contained in dogs’ feces);

–        The nuisance factor: where members of the public don’t want to be bothered by an animal invading their personal space;

–        The possible hazard or conflict that may arise between 2 or more dogs where a fight occurs;

–        Ecological sensitivity: dogs chase birds and other animals such as mongoose which are indigenous to our coastline and reside within the dunes.

Pet Ownership is one that has to be taken as serious as any other family member, and the City of Cape Town caters for their residents' animals as good as they can.  As a beach city, one has to take into consideration the above factors to ensure the health and safety for all concerned.

Find a PET FRIENDLY BEACH near you in the list below:



Bakoven Beach No dogs allowed
Beta Beach No dogs allowed
Big Bay No dogs allowed
Bikini Beach No dogs allowed
Blaauwberg No dogs allowed
Blue Waters Resort No dogs allowed
Broken Bath No dogs allowed
Burghers' Walk Leashed Dogs Only
Camps Bay Beach Free-running 6pm - 9am
Camps Bay Beach No dogs allowed 9am - 6pm Nov - Mar
Cayman Beach No dogs allowed
Cayman Beach, Strand Free-running
Clifton 1st Free-running
Clifton 2nd Free-running Apr - Oct
Clifton 2nd No dogs allowed Nov - Mar
Clifton 3rd Free-running Apr - Oct
Clifton 3rd No dogs allowed Nov - Mar
Clifton 4th Free-running Apr - Oct
Clifton 4th No dogs allowed Nov - Mar
Clovelly Free-running
Cosy Beach No dogs allowed
Danger Beach Free-running
Derdesteen No dogs allowed
Dolphin Beach Free-running
Eerstesteen No dogs allowed
Fish Hoek Beach Free-running
Fish Hoek Beach No dogs allowed
Fisherman's Beach Leashed Dogs Only
Fleur Park Leashed Dogs Only
Frank's Bay Leashed Dogs Only
Froggy Pond Leashed Dogs Only
Glen Beach Free-running 6pm - 9am
Glen Beach No dogs allowed 9am - 6pm Nov - Mar
Glencairn Beach Free-running
Gordon's Bay Main Beach No dogs allowed
Gordon's Bay to Fleur Park boundary Free-running
Granger Bay Free-running
Greenways to Strand Leashed Dogs Only
Greenways, Strand Free-running
Harmony Park No dogs allowed
Helderberg Marine Protected Area No dogs allowed
Hendon Park Resort No dogs allowed
Holbaai No dogs allowed
Horse Trails Beach, Big Bay No dogs allowed
Hout Bay Free-running
Kogel Bay Resort No dogs allowed
Kreeftebaai No dogs allowed
Lagoon Beach, Milnerton Free-running
Llandudno Free-running 6pm - 9am
Llandudno No dogs allowed 9am - 6pm Nov - Mar
Long Beach, Kommetjie Free-running
Long Beach, Simon's Town Free-running
Macassar Resort No dogs allowed
Maiden's Cove No dogs allowed
Melkbosstrand 1st to 5th Avenues Free-running 6pm - 9am
Melkbosstrand 1st to 5th Avenues Leashed Dogs Only 07am -5pm
Melkbosstrand Main Beach from 5th Avenue to Slabbert se Klippe Leashed Dogs Only
Melkbosstrand Main Beach from 5th Avenue to Slabbert se Klippe Leashed Dogs Only 6pm - 9am Apr - Oct
Melkbosstrand Main Beach from 5th Avenue to Slabbert se Klippe No dogs allowed 9am - 6pm Nov - Mar
Milton Leashed Dogs Only 6pm - 9am Apr - Oct
Milton No dogs allowed 9am - 6pm Nov - Mar
Mnandi Resort No dogs allowed
Monwabisi Resort No dogs allowed
Mouille Point, Cape Town side Free-running
Mouille Point, Seapoint side No dogs allowed
Muizenberg Beach Leashed Dogs Only 6pm - 9am Apr - Oct
Nine Miles Beach Leashed Dogs Only
Queen's Beach No dogs allowed
Rocklands No dogs allowed
Saunders Rock No dogs allowed
Seaforth Beach No dogs allowed
Silwerstroomstrand No dogs allowed
Slabbert se Klippe to Zout River Free-running
Small Bay No dogs allowed
Sonwabe Beach Free-running
Sonwabe Beach Free-running
St James Leashed Dogs Only
Strand Beach No dogs allowed
Strandfontein Beach Free-running
Strandfontein Beach No dogs allowed
Sunrise Beach Free-running
Sunset Beach, Milnerton Free-running
Table View Free-running
Tidal pool (all) No dogs allowed
Tidal Pool, Camps Bay Beach No dogs allowed
Tidal Pool, St James No dogs allowed



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