Home remedies for Pets to ease the symptoms of Kennel Cough

Last week we focussed on exactly what is Kennel Cough.  This week we would like to suggest a few home remedies (and a common remedy to avoid) which one can try to ease the symptoms of this nasty 'doggie' cold.  These suggestions work just as well on humans too. 

Home Remedies for Kennel Cough Pets

As with everything else you do for your pets, always consult your local veterinarian if you ever wish to try out a home medication before going to the expense of making use of their expert advice with a visit to their practice. Kennel cough, like any human cold - if left untreated can turn into a nasty pneumonia should you not get it resolved as soon as possible. If this treatment does not improve after 3 days, please consult your veterinarian.

Home Remedies for Kennel Cough1. Honey

Pure organic raw honey is probably one of the most powerful medicinal products one can have in your home.  Give your coughing dog a tablespoon first thing in the morning and just before bed, to help ease the scratchy throat and the 'runny nose'.  They should enjoy this treat too!

2. Cinnamon

A half a teaspoon sprinkled over or into their food will increase the chances of combating the virus from spreading into the lungs.

3. Coconut oil

Another anti-viral super food one can not live without in the home.  Be warned that this is not recommended for dogs (pets) who are overweight, but a spoon full poured over their food is recommended to assist in improving their wellbeing.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics for pets are available over the counter at almost every vet or pet store in the country and is a vital part of your Pet Medical Aid Kit.

Can be used for:
- Kennel cough
- Digestive problems
- Bad breath

If you have already been to your veterinarian and your dog has been prescribed an antibiotic, make sure the pro-biotic is not give at the same time, but an hour or so later as they could work against each other - rendering the medication useless - if given at the same time.

5. Cough Syrup (A big No-No)

Never give your pets over the counter or self medicated cough syrup.  This should always be administered via recommendation of your veterinarian.

6. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver products also come in forms to be ingested or applied to the skin. Manufacturers of colloidal silver products often claim that they are cure-alls, boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments and prostatitis.

People have used Colloidal Silver to cure virusses like Kennel Cough and Parvo in Dogs: Given to them orally, up to five times a day if the dog is very ill, until the dog's appetite is back and Parvo symptoms are gone. Colloidal silver is not a “guaranteed” cure for Parvo in dogs, as even veterinary treated dogs often die of Parvo (up to 80% of the time).  

Large dogs can handle up to 10 mL colloidal silver, two or three times a day. Small dogs should be given around 5 mL silver, two or three times a day. You can either give the treatment orally, via a syringe (with the needle removed), or mix it into their drinking water or wet food bowl for general health and keeping virusses at bay.

Home Remedies should never discount Western Medical Science

Keep in mind that when treating your pets at home, you do it at your own risk, and we recommend that you see your vet as soon as you can.  These remedies are not guaranteed to cure, but they can assist and prevent Kennel Cough from spreading into a secondry lung infection.

Are there any other suggestions you might have to help ease the symptoms of Kennel Cough?  Send us your home remedies today!

Pictures: Free Digital Photos

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