Location for All Natural Herbal Warrior Flea Tick & Mosquito Repellent Country: South Africa Province: Western Cape City / Town: Cape Town Info for All Natural Herbal Warrior Flea Tick & Mosquito Repellent Service Type Online Stores Brief description of service Herbal Warrior is carefully formulated to ensure that your pet receives the highest quality of care and treatment, while protecting you and the environment from harmful chemicals. 100% NATURAL, ECO FRIENDLY AND UNIQUE MULTI-PURPOSE SPRAY CONTAINS PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE LAVENDER, JUNIPER, TEA TREE, THYME AND MORINGA SEED ESSENTIAL OILS Herbal Warrior- Flea, Tick and Mosquito Repellent 5 in 1 uses for dogs, cats, horses and people Pest Repellent, Skin Therapy, Anti-septic, Anti-fungal, Treats Malodours Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Horses, Donkeys Cost for All Natural Herbal Warrior Flea Tick & Mosquito Repellent - Subject to Change R130 Contact for All Natural Herbal Warrior Flea Tick & Mosquito Repellent Website: http://www.moringafoodsinternational.com Contact All Natural Herbal Warrior Flea Tick & Mosquito Repellent Social for All Natural Herbal Warrior Flea Tick & Mosquito Repellent