Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg

Location for Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Johannesburg
Street Address: Sunnyrock Park 3, Unit 2, 2 North Reef Road,
Info for Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg
Service Type Other Pet Service
Brief description of service The pet and child safety cover is supported across the pool by aluminum battens that are secured into the PVC cover. The cover has a ± 300mm overlap on all sides and one end is anchored into place with removable anchor bolts and the opposite end has corresponding ratchets which allow the cover to be tightened.

Two people are required to operate this cover. Once the cover has been removed and rolled-up, it can be stored away easily. No construction is needed for this cover.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Horses, Donkeys
Cost for Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg - Subject to Change
Varies on size of the pool
Contact for Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg
Phone: +27 (10) 824 8631
Cell phone: +27 (72) 688-2247
Contact Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg
Social for Designer Pool Covers Johannesburg

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