Raw Food for Pets

Location for Raw Food for Pets
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Johannesburg
Info for Raw Food for Pets
Service Type Pet Food Supplier
Brief description of service Some refer to raw diets for pets as biologically appropriate raw food (BARF), originally it was called "Bones and Raw Food Diet" for dogs and cats. Others refer to the pet cuisine we stock and deliver to your home fridge across Gauteng as the canine and feline ancestral diet. Some even call it the prey model diet, might even refer to it as the paleo diet for pets! Some might even refer to it as the Frankenprey model. We prefer natural, specie appropriate, raw pet cuisine for cats and dogs. Pure, wholesome, fresh frozen raw foods for cats and dogs!
Whatever your preference, we believe that choice and variety is important for our fur kids, and therefore offer:
- frozen main courses from Simply Pets, Doggobone, Raw Love for Pets and Dogmatters;
- raw meaty bones, deserts, snacks and treats from Raw Love for Pets and Doggobone;
- fresh frozen wild-caught sardines from Viking Fisheries and Dynapets.
We also stock and deliver ointments and supplements from Simply Natural and Promix Supplements; herbals solutions from Honeyvale Herbs; food and nutritional oils from Credé Natural Oils. To quench the thirst, fresh bubbly water fountains from Drinkwell.
No cuisine is complete without proper cutlery and dishes! Make sure dinner is complete with only the best bowlz from RogZ!
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Horses
Cost for Raw Food for Pets - Subject to Change
Please refer to our online catalogue for details
Contact for Raw Food for Pets
Phone: 0713359980
Cell phone: 0825750085
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