Hotel Meow Cattery

Location for Hotel Meow Cattery
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Johannesburg
Street Address: 74 Eisenhower Road
Tedderfield Estates
Directions: keep on R82 south, when you pass the Astron Service station , take the next turn right into Dan Pienaar Drive. You will need to access the Estate via the visitors gate.
Info for Hotel Meow Cattery
Service Type Pet Kennelling Facility
Brief description of service Boutique Cattery providing loving care for your Kitty in a serene country environment.
Our Services cater for Cats, Birds
We also cater for rabbits
Cost for Hotel Meow Cattery - Subject to Change
R70 per day BYO food and litter
Contact for Hotel Meow Cattery
Phone: 078 926 8291
Cell phone: 078 926 8291
Contact Hotel Meow Cattery
Social for Hotel Meow Cattery

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