Location for Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters Country: South Africa Province: Gauteng City / Town: Centurion Info for Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters Service Type Pet Kennelling Facility Brief description of service Are you going away and you don't have anyone to look after your pets? We at Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters, take your pets and their needs serious with our: - kennel-free boarding facilities - warm and homely environment - safe and secure premises - regular updates - friendly and passionate staff and - strict admission requirements. Your pets will be made comfortable and pampered by our loving staff. They will have a holiday of their own! Our Services cater for Dogs, Birds Cost for Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters - Subject to Change Price packages range from R30.00 to R75.00 per day. Contact us for a detailed quotation. Contact for Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters Phone: 0712097495 Cell phone: 0769286797 Contact Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters Social for Pawsome 4 Pets - Pet Sitters