Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm

Location for Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Lanseria
Info for Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm
Service Type Pet Kennelling Facility
Brief description of service Exclusive country style boarding kennels which caters for all hounds big and small. Your hound's home away from home when you are away. Doggy taxi available for collection and delivery of your pups when they come to the farm for their own holiday.
Our Services cater for Dogs
Cost for Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm - Subject to Change
We offer competitive daily rates and discounts when you book in 2 or more hounds. Discounts also apply for longer stays and repeat bookings. Free collection and delivery service available within 30 km from our farm.
Contact for Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm
Cell phone: 0832588133
Contact Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm
Social for Hound Hotel, Exclusive dog boarding out on the farm

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