Waggly Tails - Pet sitting

Location for Waggly Tails - Pet sitting
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Centurion
Street Address: Peter Crescent
Info for Waggly Tails - Pet sitting
Service Type Pet Sitting / Walking Service
Brief description of service Waggly Tails consists of Pet and House Sitters based in Centurion, servicing Centurion and parts of Pretoria East.

We provide a personal touch and loving care pet service for your pets when you cannot.

Pet and House sitters in Centurion and parts of Pretoria East.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Birds
Cost for Waggly Tails - Pet sitting - Subject to Change
1 visit per day – R90.00 (morning or afternoon)
2 visits per day – R140.00 (morning and afternoon)
Stayover – R180.00
Hourly rate – R50.00
Sliding scale rates available for longer periods
Contact for Waggly Tails - Pet sitting
Cell phone: 0721869519
Contact Waggly Tails - Pet sitting
Social for Waggly Tails - Pet sitting

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