We pet and house sit with YOU in mind!

Location for We pet and house sit with YOU in mind!
Country: South Africa
Province: Gauteng
City / Town: Johannesburg
Info for We pet and house sit with YOU in mind!
Service Type Pet Sitting / Walking Service
Brief description of service Our trusted services include: dog-walking, house-sitting, pet-sitting and other general household needs whilst you are away enjoying your holiday or are away on conference, sabbatical etc. Our house-sitters are dedicated, responsible and trustworthy and they love pets! Among our house-sitters: A PhD candidate with 5 years experience in house-sitting, a hotel and tourism management graduate closely affiliated with Kitty & Puppy Haven and a BSc graduate who has spent the last 10 years managing a baboon program in Kenya.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Horses, Donkeys
We also cater for Primates, fish etc
Cost for We pet and house sit with YOU in mind! - Subject to Change
from R200 per night.
Contact for We pet and house sit with YOU in mind!
Phone: 082 220 4870
Cell phone: 074 273 9771
Contact We pet and house sit with YOU in mind!
Social for We pet and house sit with YOU in mind!

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