Black Friday Advertising Sale

Advertising SALE for 1 Day Only

All for R100 on Friday 23 November! 

Get 3 banners for 1 year.  We will even help you with the artwork.

Get the best exposure for your pet product with the right audience, at rates you cant afford to miss out on.

Pet Health Care aims to bring pet products and services to the South African pet loving market.  We are proudly known as the fastest growing online pet magazine.  With over 58 000 visits (September 2018) per month, you are guaranteed a return on your investment.

All our adverts rotate randomly all over the site, therefore every click and user experience on every page is fresh and new.  The advertising display is never the same on any one of the pages throughout the site.  Example: At any given time, if there are 10 people viewing the same page (from 10 different computers at the same time), they will not see the same advertising bouquet, making each page visit a unique and new experience - every time.

We are proudly supporting #Local.


Banner 1

Side Banners: 

  1. Normal Rate: R50pm x 6 months (If you are a Pet Service Listed on PetHealthCare)
  2. Rate: R180pm x 6 months (Corporates & Other Advertisers)
  3. This advert displays on the News, Pet Services, Pet Insurance and Destination pages.
  4. Animated artwork (similar to samples given) is done free of charge, or you can supply your own artwork.
  5. Size: 260px x 260px 

Banner 2

Top Banner: 

  1. Normal Rate: R60pm x 6 months (If you are a Pet Service Listed on PetHealthCare)
  2. Rate: R300pm x 6 months (Corporates & Other Advertisers)
  3. This banner displays at the top of all the pages randomly throughout the site.
  4. This banner is also featured and displayed on the top of main (front) page.
  5. Animated artwork (similar to samples given) is done free of charge, or you can supply your own artwork.
  6. Size: 600px x100px .gif .jpg & .png

Banner 3

Content Banner: 

  1. Rate: R100pm x 6 months (If you are a Pet Service Listed on PetHealthCare)
  2. Rate: R300pm x 6 months (Corporates & Other Advertisers)
  • This advert displays inbetween the Pet Services , Destination listings, and at the bottom of all the Pet News articles.
  • Animated artwork (similar to samples given) is done free of charge, or you can supply your own artwork.
  • Size: 800 px x 200px 

That is, 3 sizes of banners (600x100px, 260x260px and 800x200px) 
all rotating randomly in various locations
all over the 800+ pages
on .


                                                     Buy Now                   Email Us Today

*Only Sale Item One per Customer.


More Information

  • * Free Advertising for Animal Rescue Organisations apply to the following conditions:
    • Must be a registered NPO.
    • Must be listed on Pet Health Care. (If you are not yet listed with us, add your shelter or rescue organisation today, for free)
    • Each animal rescue can only have 1 advert running at a time.
    • Each animal rescue organisation can change their banner as many times as they wish.
    • Advertising offered : Lifetime.
    • We request a link back to, on your website.
    • This offer is not valid to Organisations that do not have a website.
    • Artwork must be emailed to us, we can not make up artwork for you if advertising is offered free of charge.
  • Bartering and or trade-exchanges are welcome - to be negotiated.
  • Payment is due upfront. 
  • All artwork is done free of charge to paying clients if you send us your graphics and logo’s.
  • Let us know if you have any questions, and we will be happy to call you and explain.
  • Rates are subject to change. 
    Low Advertising Rates on Pet Health Care are for showing our support towards Small Business Owners, and we are proud to be supportive of them.
    Free Advertising to all animal rescues because Pet Health Care believes they deserve all the support they can get.

How can you list your Pet Business For Free ?  Just follow the links below : 

Whats more is you can REGISTER YOUR PET BUSINESS here - lifetime free membership.  You can't get much better than that now can you ?

  1. Free Listings for Pet Friendly Accommodation
  2. Free Listings for Pet Friendly Restaurants
  3. Free Listings for any other Pet Related Services offered in South Africa
    • Examples are : Veterinary Services, Animal Rescue or Welfare Organisations, Grooming Parlours, Mobile Grooming, Online Stores, Doggy Day Care, Pet Kennelling, Catteries, Pet Sitting, Dog Walking Services, Pet Food Suppliers, Pet Accessories, Pet Clothing, etc.

LICK HERE to email us today,

Advertising Enquiries call: Juanita 0824649146  


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