Dancers Love Dogs

Location for Dancers Love Dogs
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Claremont
Info for Dancers Love Dogs
Service Type Animal Welfare Organisation or Animal Shelter
Brief description of service Our foundation is based on all "performers” donating their time and talent to a show, in each centre of South Africa. We do not pay one person involved and of the money raised, 100 % of this funding goes to mass sterilization.

Once we receive our show funds, we assist animal organisations/groups in mass sterilization's projects and we never pay an organisation, we always pay the vets involved directly. We have worked so hard to have all our vets come on board and give us special welfare rates .

We have assisted animal rescue organisations in many other ways - by having kennels donated, obtaining food donations, seeking free veterinary care and working in the townships to help the animals in need.

This foundation will grow in strength every year.

We rely solely on selling our shows to the public and generating sponsorship's and donations from the public and local business. We also benefit from the Woolworth's My Planet card. This is amazing additional income for the animals on a monthly basis and we urge all my school card holders to nominate us as a beneficiary.
We also gained official NPO status in 2013.

Dancers Love Dogs
NPO number 117-329
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats, Horses, Donkeys
We also cater for any animal in need of sterilisation.
Welfare organisation wishlist We fund-raise to assist mass sterilisation of animals in all area's.


Standard Bank South Africa
Account Number: 30 063 8140
Branch code: 025109
Cost for Dancers Love Dogs - Subject to Change
Donations only .
Sterilisations cost between R300 and R600.
Contact for Dancers Love Dogs
Phone: 0216712442
Cell phone: 0827071110
Contact Dancers Love Dogs
Social for Dancers Love Dogs

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