Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop

Location for Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Cape Town
Street Address: Cape Town
Info for Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop
Service Type Animal Welfare Organisation or Animal Shelter
Brief description of service We sell dog accessories at half the retail price to fund our rescue efforts :) ~Being an avid dog lover I started rescuing pets from dodgy pet shops at a very young age, at 13 I volunteered at a local animal hospital. I would phone up family, friends and neighbours, basically anyone that I thought would be keen on adopting one of the so many dogs/cats that were available. We are not housing hundreds but we don't turn anyone away and we are a no kill shelter (although some days you feel as though you can bury the lot in the back yard after they pulled off the washing, eaten your favourite shoes and ripped the couch cushions to shreds). Since 2012 I have homed about 56 dogs and all this is done after our normal working hours. Due to the costs involved to look after the animals I started Megs Mutts online store to help fund our rescue efforts which is always on the front burner.~
Our Services cater for Dogs
Welfare organisation wishlist Our wishlist might change from time to time, but we are in need of the following:
Dog Food
dip /flea treatment
dog beds
Foster moms
Cost for Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop - Subject to Change
An adoption application form (contact us for a form) needs to be completed once you ve decided to adopt a furry friend. One of our pre-placement members will visit your home once the application form has been completed. There will be a fee of R250 charged per adoption.

We take the following factors into account:

• Other animals in the family
• Children’s ages
• Level of family’s activity (whether the dog will be regularly exercised)
• How long the dog, especially a puppy, will be left alone
• Size and suitability of your property

Additional qualifying criteria for an adoption:

• You must be over 18 to adopt
• Your property must be fully enclosed
• The pet must be allowed inside your house
• Financial stability (you need to be able to afford the costs involved to look after a pet eg: Food ,Vet visits ,Pet beds ect)
• Do you have a mode of transport in case of an emergency vet visit

Please remember a Pet is a LIFEs commitment, and not just a passing phase, they need lots of love and affection!
Contact for Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop
Phone: 0848530443
Cell phone: 0848530443
Contact Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop
Social for Megs Mutts Rescue and Pet Shop

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