Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions)

Location for Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions)
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Somerset West
Street Address: 79 Reservoir Road, Somerset West
Info for Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions)
Service Type Animal Welfare Organisation or Animal Shelter
Brief description of service Animal sterilisations and primary healthcare for pets in poor and rural communities of the Western Cape.

Since 2005 Vetsol has been rendering an essential mobile veterinary Sterilisation in underprivileged communities.

Vetsol's mission is to deliver affordable, mobile sterilisation, vaccination and de-worming services to animals from under-privileged and rural areas. Many animal welfare organisations in the Western Cape make use of this indispensable service to assist with mass spay and neuter campaigns. (Grabouw Animal Welfare, DARG, African Tails, SPCA Swartland, SA.MAST, Uitsig Animal Rescue and Aniwell South Africa).

Dagmar Atkinson (affectionately known as Nurse Daggie to those who have worked closely with her) traverses long distances to deliver her professional service to needy township and rural animals. Daggie founded Vetsol in 2005 and has since sterilised over 25 000 animals. She travels with Vet Charl Anderson and Lesley to far-away places all in a days' work.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats
Welfare organisation wishlist We are raising funds to cover 100 days of animal sterilizations and primary health care in poor and rural communities in the Western Cape. This will treat approximately 3,000 animals and prevent a minimum of 21,000 unwanted cats and dogs from being born and becoming victims of abuse and neglect. To date Vetsol has sterilised over 33700 animals.

Please donate to help us :
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4062456221
Cost for Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions) - Subject to Change
Cost of sterilisation per animal is R400
Contact for Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions)
Cell phone: 0833263472
Contact Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions)
Social for Vetsol (Veterinary Solutions)

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