Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society

Location for Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Kleinmond
Street Address: Corner of Protea and Main Road
Directions: Driving from Gordens Bay: Drive along the mountains side to Rooi-Els. Pass Rooi-Els, Pringle Bay, Hangklip and Betties Bay. As you are entering Kleinmond. KAWS are located on the left hand side. Turn off just before the traffic light.

Driving from Sir Lowrys Pass side: Turn off from the N2 onto the R44. About 2 kms after the Salandra Petrol station (Botriver). Pass the Arabella Country Estate. Keep going straight until you drive into Kleinmond itself. Drive through the whole town until you come to a traffic light. Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society is located on the right hand side, just after the traffic light.
Info for Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society
Service Type Animal Welfare Organisation or Animal Shelter
Brief description of service KAWS (Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society) helps and educates the community about caring properly for their animals. KAWS along with the South African Veterinary Association tries to help the local community that can't afford vet bills, to still have medical care available to them. Along with the local municipality, KAWS teaches people why its important to neuter your animals and what will happen if our animals population over exceed its limits.

KAWS is always looking for volunteers to come and help out. You can walk a dog or sit and pet a cat. Our animals are always too happy to see a humans and be loved by them. Please have a look at our Facebook page. Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society. We have our latest happy tails, all the happenings and of course, all our animals up for adoption on the page.
Our Services cater for Dogs, Cats
Welfare organisation wishlist Our wishlist might change from time to time, but we are in need of the following:
. Food!
. Wood to build fences with ;
. Grass ;
. Builders to help with buildng shelters for dogs ;
. Dog walkers ;
. Dazzle dip for animals ;

Thank you to each and everyone that are helping KAWS!
Cost for Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society - Subject to Change
Full grown dogs: R350.00
Puppies: R350.00
Cats: R350.00

Please note that all our cats have been tested for Feline Aids and Leukemia. On adoption cats will also be vaccinated against Feline Leukemia. Dogs get neutered and also get all their necessary injections. Puppies needs to come back at 6 months to be neutered.
Contact for Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society
Phone: 0282715004
Cell phone: 0825952921
Contact Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society
Social for Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society

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